hello everyone...at this page i want to show "wau" that make by my father.. before that let's us know simple information about wau. Wau or Kite in Malay is a uniquely designed Malaysian kite that has flown since times past.
process of making WAU/kite
My father used a sweet bamboo for making Wau/Kite. The bamboo is split and soaked in mud for two weeks. This prevents the bamboo from being attacked by weevils as well as makes it more flexible. The smell of the bamboo was very terrible. The bamboo splits are made into a complex but lightweight frame, tested with one layer of paper and making alterations accordingly to make sure the kite is structurally sound. Next, the patterns are meticulously cut from plastics and glued on piece by piece to form intricate motifs. My father used plastics to ensure that the Wau/Kite was not easily broken. If the structure was complete then he started to draw the "sobek" or we can called the motif of the Wau.
the size of the wau was around 4 feet.
the Wau also can produce a unique sound.
Apart from the performance and appearance of the Malay kite, the sound is considered important as well. The sound created or dengung as it is called, depends on the force of the wind. The higher the kite flies and the faster the wind, the higher the pitch, making the sound ... w-a-u-u-u, w-a-u-u-u. There are various types of wau such as wau kuching (cat kite), wau merak (peacock kite), and wau bulan (moon kite). Each wau also comes with a different design and size.
Wau Bulan (Crescent Kite)
Price: RM 215
Color & Motif : Black with traditional design.
Size: 3.5 Feet
Price: RM 215
Color & Motif : Orange with traditional design.
Size: 3.5 Feet
Price: RM 215
Color & Motif : Red with traditional design.
Size: 4.0 Feet
Price: RM 215
Color & Motif : Blue Black with traditional design.
Size: 3.5 Feet
Price: RM 215
Color & Motif : Orange with traditional design.
Size: 4.0 Feet
Wau Sobek
there are examples of the motif that my father had made. basically he used flowers as his favovourite.
for any information or ordered you can contact this number
Mr. Salleh : 0145157980